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Rules of the Hash House Harriers

(Excerpts) as written by Don Kennedy, On Sec, 1950.

Llew Davidson, Joint Master of the Hash House Harriers Kuala Lumpur in 1948, 1951-1952 and 1955-1957, kindly provided a typewritten copy of the Rules to Tim "MAGIC" Hughes (Harrier International) in October 1987.

HHH Club Registration No. 1074/50


1. This Association shall be known as the Hash House Harriers.

2. Its place of meeting shall be at any club or premises in Kuala Lumpur at which permission to meet has been obtained, and it[s] address for correspondence at 633, Circular Road, Kuala Lumpur, until further notice.

3. Its objects are:

(a) To promote physical fitness amongst its members.

(b) To get rid of weekend hangovers.

(c) To acquire a good thirst and to satisfy it in beer.

(d) To persuade the older members that they are not as old as they feel.


4. Membership is open to all male persons who are interested in taking part in a weekly cross-country paper chase.

5. A person wishing to join the Association submits his name and address to the Hon. Secretary and is thereafter considered to be a member until such time as he notifies his intention to resign or ceases to pay his subscriptions as they become due.


6. No entrance fee is payable by new members.

7. Subscriptions are payable quarterly in advance at the rate of M$12.00 per quarter or at such other rate as the Committee may from time to time decide. New members joining during a quarter will pay proportionately for the period between the date of joining and the end of the quarter.

8. The Hon. Treasurer will notify all members as and when subscriptions become due. If a member falls in arrears with his subscriptions for more than 3 months he shall be deemed to have resigned and will not be entitled to take part in any further activities of the Association. No legal action may be taken against a former member for non-payment of his debts and any loss occasioned by failure to pay his dues will be borne by the remaining members.

9. The management of the society is vested in a general meeting of the members presided over by the President. At least one quarter of the total membership of the Society must be present at a General Meeting for it's proceedings to be valid.

10. An annual general meeting will be held in February. At other times, a general meeting must be called by the President on the request in writing of 10 or more members and may be called at any time by order of the committee.

11. At least two weeks notice will be given of an annual general meeting and of any other general meeting. The following points will be considered at the annual general meeting.

a. The previous year's accounts and the report of the committee;

b. The election of office-bearers for the following year.

Any member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a general meeting may do so provided he gives notice to the Hon. Secretary one week before the meeting is due to be held.


12. A committee consisting of the following shall be elected at an annual general meeting.

A President

A Vice-President

(To be called Joint Masters)

An Honorary Secretary and Treasurer

The members of the committee shall have powers to co-opt additional committee members or to elect a new President, Vice-President, or Hon. Secretary and Treasurer in the event of the holder of any of these offices [officers] being unable or unwilling to serve.

13. Committee meetings shall be held at such times as may be considered desirable. At least seven days' notice of such meetings will be given to committee members. At least one Joint Master and the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer must be present at a Committee meeting for its proceedings to be valid.

14. The duty of the committee is to organize and supervise the daily activities of the society and to make decisions on matters affecting its running when the general meeting is not sitting. It may not act contrary to the expressed wishes of the general meeting without prior reference to it and always remains subordinate to the general meetings.


15. The duties of the office-bearers are as follows:

(a) The President shall act as Chairman at all general and Committee Meetings. He shall also represent the society in its dealings with outside persons.

(b) The Vice-President shall deputise for the President in the latter's absence. It shall be the duty of the President and Vice-President as Joint Masters to count the number of rubbers [his secretary should have typed runners] at the start of each meet and to ensure that all have returned to the starting point before the remainder have gone home. On the conclusion of a meet, they will appoint two harriers to act as "hares" for the ensuing meet.

(c) It shall be the duty of the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer to notify members in advance the date and starting place of each run.


16. Members who are appointed as "hares" for a meet will arrange to supply the necessary liquid refreshment and shall be entitled to recover from the Hon. Treasurer the cost of all drinks, cigarettes and ice consumed. "Hares" will be held responsible for bringing mugs, bottle-openers, ice, cigarettes, beer, ginger beer, paper and haversacks to the starting place and will hand over the non-consumable stores to the "hares" for the following week's run at the conclusion of the meet.

17. Reasonable gaps in the trial [should be trail] may be left by the "hares" and false trials [trails] may be laid at their discretion. Gaps and false trials [trails - she couldn't handle this one at all!] must not exceed 50 yards in length and should be considerably less in blukar or difficult country. Scent should be sufficiently strong to enable hounds to spend most of their time in following it and not wandering around in circles looking for odd scraps of paper.

18. "Hares" are permitted to start 10 minutes before the time scheduled for the "hounds" to move off.

19. Two persons not members of the committee will be elected as Hon. Auditors at each annual general meeting. They will be required to audit each year's account and present a report upon them to the annual general meeting. They may be required by the President to audit the Society's accounts for any period within their tenure of office at any date and make a report to the committee.


20.(a) gaming and opium smoking at the meets and the introduction of females and bad characters on runs are prohibited.

(b) The funds of the society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in court.

(c) Neither the society nor its members shall attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activities as defined in the Trade Union Enactment, 1940. etc., etc., etc.

So there you have them.

The actual RULES.

So, Rule #1 is not: There are no rules.

So, Rule #6 is not: No poofters.

Who said there are no rules?

NOTE: Rule 20 (a) is still strictly enforced in Kuala Lumpur except on exceptional occasions such as Interhash '80, Run #2000, 50th Anniversary, Grand Malaysian Pre-Ramble. On these celebrations, additional trails were laid for mixed Harriers and Harriets runs. Men-only runs were held as usual.

to Harrier International Online.

Send e-mail to Scott "Beaver Bam Bam Balls" Kanzelmeyer
at bvrballs@harrier.scol.pa.us

Scott W. Kanzelmeyer (webmaster@harrier.org) / Tuesday, August 12, 1997